Yesterday I finished the audio recording for “Two for the Dough” by Janet Evanovich.
Editorial Reviews
(I know I’m cheating as far as “reviewing”). I have to say as I began toStephanie Plum, the sassiest, spunkiest female bounty hunter in America (or at least New Jersey) is back to take on her second case. She's armed with attitude and outrageous fashion sense-not to mention stun guns, defense sprays, killer flashlights, and her trusty .38-and all the determination a neophyte bounty hunter can muster. In Two for the Dough, she's after a ruthless bail jumper who has an affection for mailing Stephanie deadly notes and pickled body parts, and stealing 24 super-cheap caskets loaded with contraband. When the case overwhelms Stephanie and fast-talking vice cop Joe Morelli, she calls in a real pro: her grandma Mazur, a grey-haired, spandex-wearing dynamo packing heat. In Stephanie Plum, critically-acclaimed author Janet Evanovich has created a resourceful and humorous character who stands apart from the pack of gritty female detectives. C.J. Critt's masterful New Jersey accent fully captures Evanovich's delightful sarcasm. Two for the Dough combines irresistible fun and powerful suspense.
Day 9 - I absolutely loved "On the Beach" by Jane Green. I most especially enjoyed the ending. I find that lately I've been surprised by a lot of the books I've been reading, but in a good way. I haven't read much of anything today though, do much to do to get stuck inside a book. I forgot to mention a book I picked up at the library the other day it's call "The Strain" by,(who did the movie "Pan's Labyrinth" that I absolutely loved).
Day 8 - Still haven't had tons of time to be reading as much as I would like but I have gotten farther in On The Beach which has multiple story lines all running at the same time though I believe they're about to converge all together in a few chapters, but I'm just guessing at this point. The only negative is I did find myself a little unsure of the characters storyline as the chapter began, there is quite a few characters, that with his "shocking" disclosure I wasn't thinking about the statement itself but rather which character is this.
Day 7 - Well I've made it somewhere around page 68 in 1-2-3 Magic but haven't really got to anymore actual "practices" you might say. I'd much prefer to put it down and find a good fiction book. I've read a couple pages from "On The Beach" by Jane Green which looks like it may turn out to be an interesting read, though I find I tend to enjoy more these days the mystery and action books. I've heard to many Ms. Marple or Hercules Pirot stories on the BBC to just be content with a romance.
Day 6 - Halfway through Full Tilt, and it's so far, in my opinion, better then "Full Blast". This one has more action included then romance. I also picked up two read-a-long books for the girls: "Is Your Mama a Llama" and "When Sophie gets really, really angry". I don't know how they'll like the audio books. This summer they've been less open to being read to then in the past. I did get to read them a little bit of "Stuart Little", and then we switched to "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", but only to the part where Dorothy's house is on top of the cyclone. Now I'm even curious to read it, because like most people, the story I know is the movie. Books to tend to always be better then their cinema counter-parts but this is one I'm not too sure about. I also picked up a couple parenting books, figured maybe I could find something helpful over the summer as well, though my local branch only carries about 5 actual titles. The one I've started is called 1-2-3 Magic. I'm to page 40 and it has a lot of fluff in the beginning, but it's finally starting to look like it has some good ideas. And I will take all the suggestions I can find.
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