Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It’s Summer Reading Time Again

Here at my local library, they start it off with a reading Carnival.  It was last Saturday and completely free and open to the public.  They have bouncy houses and slides, booths with games, temporary tattoos, face painting and cake walks.  Both of my daughters love it, mainly for the free snow cones and cotton candy.  I love it because it signals the beginning of the program.  It ends August 18th, giving me 60 more days (64 days total).  Online it allows for title and author logging as well as a review if you choose.  It already has 49 reviews.  Which makes me feel behind, as only one of them are mine.  It had reviews on the first day, which I consider cheating, Maybe they did, but I think some people post reviews for books they’ve already finished.  You see they’re are drawings for prizes and each book you log puts you in the running.  I try to make sure most of the books I read are actually even checked out from the library, I guess my personal honor system so to speak.  It’s the time of year I read the most and almost a burn out as I push myself to read the most out of everybody, though there are no statistics so it’s almost an imaginary self challenge.  But I absolutely love it.  The girls being 4 years and 3 years old aren’t able to read themselves yet but they already have 2 hours and 20 minutes.  They win small prizes after 5 hours and a book after 10.  They’re a lot more into it this year then they were last year.

Do any of you participate in a library program? 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

"The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie", By: Alan Bradley

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
Author: Alan Bradley, Read by: Jayne Entwistle
Published by: Random House Audio
Published: Delacorte Press;First Edition April 28, 2009
Format: Audio Book
Source: Library

On Goodreads, "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" only gets a rating of 3.76.  I am utterly stunned.  From Goodreads:
 In his wickedly brilliant first novel, Debut Dagger Award winner Alan Bradley introduces one of the most singular and engaging heroines in recent fiction: eleven-year-old Flavia de Luce, an aspiring chemist with a passion for poison. It is the summer of 1950—and a series of inexplicable events has struck Buckshaw, the decaying English mansion that Flavia’s family calls home. A dead bird is found on the doorstep, a postage stamp bizarrely pinned to its beak. Hours later, Flavia finds a man lying in the cucumber patch and watches him as he takes his dying breath. For Flavia, who is both appalled and delighted, life begins in earnest when murder comes to Buckshaw. “I wish I could say I was afraid, but I wasn’t. Quite the contrary. This was by far the most interesting thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life.”
I have to agree it was "wickedly brilliant".  Having looked it up on Goodreads, I have also found it is the first of 3.  Flavia is a character that I immediately fell in love with.  It is written I would describe like most other 1800 century English writings.    The story begins as Flavia is trying to poison her sister.  I said poison, not kill, as a matter of fact we aren't sure exactly what Flavia's up to till the very end of the story.  Flavia has such a unique "voice" and though it's a murder mystery it kept me laughing almost all the way through.  This was an audio book from my library and Entwistle's voice ties it all together excerpts can be found on Entwistle's Random House page.  I absolutely loved this novel and will be reading or hearing all the others as well.  I believe it deserves 5 out of 5 stars. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Big Girl" by Danielle Steel

Big Girl
Author:  Danielle Steel Narrated by: Kathleen McInerney
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: 2010
Format: Audio Book 
Author:Danielle Steel (Author), Kathleen McInerney (Narrator)
Product Description for Amazon;
In this heartfelt, incisive novel, Danielle Steel celebrates the virtues of unconventional beauty while exploring deeply resonant issues of weight, self-image, sisterhood, and family.  A chubby little girl with ordinary looks, Victoria Dawson has always felt out of place in her family, especially in body-conscious L.A. While her parents and sister can eat anything and not gain an ounce, Victoria must watch everything she eats, as well as endure her father’s belittling comments about her body and see her academic achievements go unacknowledged. Ice cream and oversized helpings of all the wrong foods give her comfort, but only briefly. The one thing she knows is that she has to get away from home, and after college in Chicago, she moves to New York City. 
Landing her dream job as a high school teacher, Victoria loves working with her students and wages war on her weight at the gym. Despite tension with her parents, Victoria remains close to her younger sister, Grace. Though they couldn’t be more different in looks, they love each other unconditionally. So when Grace announces her engagement to a man who is an exact replica of their narcissistic father, Victoria worries about her sister’s future happiness, and with no man of her own, she feels like a failure once again. As the wedding draws near, a chance encounter, a deeply upsetting betrayal, and a family confrontation lead to a turning point. 
Behind Victoria is a lifetime of hurt and neglect she has tried to forget. Ahead is a challenge and a risk: to accept herself as she is, celebrate it, and claim the victories she has fought so hard for and deserves. Big girl or not, she is terrific and discovers that herself.

I always enjoy Danielle Steel's novels, I always have.  This book had a lot of positives for me.  I loved the main character, Victoria, and I felt her pains with her.  But for me after reading the back and the title I thought, "hey it should be good it's about a girl like me."  No I didn't have a narcissistic father, neither did I have bad parents in anyway, probably more spoiled then anything.  But it was supposed to be about a "big girl".  And the title is a good choice once you read the book , it's really a perfect choice.  But I take issue, and usually always do when the "fat women" is under a size 16.  Okay, maybe that's what qualifies someone as a plus sized model, but for me that's not a big girl.  I myself am usually about a size 22/24.   Victoria through-out the story yes, does battle with her weight.  She goes between a size 12 and a size 16.  A women who wears a six 16, at least a good many, can wear a mini skirt and not have anyone point and laugh or post a picture of them on the people of Walmart website.  So for me, I personally don't qualify her as a big girl, but more an optimal weight.  Disappointed with that fact, but really that's just a personal pet peeve.  The book overall is without a doubt a, "... heartfelt, incisive novel, Danielle Steel celebrates the virtues of unconventional beauty while exploring deeply resonant issues of weight, self-image, sisterhood, and family."

Monday, May 28, 2012

“The Matchmaking Cat” by David L. Dawson

The Matchmaking Cat
Author:  Suzie Dawson pseudonym of David L. Dawson
Publisher: Smashwords Edition
Published: 2012
Format: ebook
Source: LibraryThing Giveaway

Jess Cardle has been left at the alter, and is still hurting three years later.  Her cat, Marlon decides it time for her to find a new mate, and has a few creative ideas on how to make that happen.

What I liked about this book was Marlon’s hijinks.  A cat lover myself I love the thought of a cat being an intuitive, thought processing being.  There were a few times I chuckled, I enjoyed Dawson’s since of humor.  It was an enjoyable story.

Sadly with this one there was a lot I didn’t like.  At approximately 10,000 words I do not expect an author to having spelling or grammar mistakes but there was at least on when the author said “go four round four”, when he meant “go for round four”.  I thought for this short story there was too much, as it would work better as a summarization of a longer novel then a novella.  Jess also reveals her story to a co-worker and afterwards comments she should have so years ago.  If it were a commonly kept secret, I might understand, but I have a hard time believing it possible a woman becomes engaged to a man she’s been dating for ten plus years, and her co-worker had no idea she was in a relationship.  This being a novella I would have preferred it to focus more on the Marlon, the matchmaking cat, and less on Jess’s life story.  I think all the details would be perfect in a full length novel. 

Upon researching more about the author I found “The Fall”, by David L. Dawson, which is a full length novel whose first chapter is available on Goodreads.  Dawson appears to me to be a writer with great ideas and tons of ambition.  I did undoubtedly enjoy “The Matchmaking Cat”, I just wish it had been more focused.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop
The Book Blogger Hop is held by Jen over at Crazy-for-Books.  

What to Do:
1. Post on your blog answering this question:

Blogging Question: How do you handle the writing of a negative review?
2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list here (enter your Blog Name, Genre you review, and direct link to your post answering this week’s question; failure to do so will result in removal of your link).
3. Visit other blogs in the list, spending quality time getting to know the people you are visiting. Don’t just visit the post with the question, but click around and read some of the blogger’s other content, too! This Hop isn’t about the number of people you can visit, but the quality of each visit.

My Answer:  
I do occasionally find books that I have some criticism for.  I try to hearken by to my school days where if you didn't have anything nice to say don't say it, and from my creative writing classes, giving constructive criticism.  So I would never say, "This book was horrible, I hated it," but more something like "I hoped I would have enjoyed this book more had" and insert constructive criticism.  The good thing about reviews is many authors (especially new authors) read them, and if it's a valid or useful point it could also help them in their next book.  

Thursday's Thoughts

That sounds like it should be a weekly meme.  I had high expectations of posting everyday.  I understand now the use of meme's.  It's humanly impossible to post a good or at least slightly entertaining blog post every day, read (otherwise you have nothing to post on a book blog, as it turns out), update Goodreads and LibraryThing, work a full time job and do all the other necessary domestic (my weekend to-do list includes self replacement of car parts and lawn mower belts; and escaping into the world of books- as if real life wasn't crazy enough).  The one exciting thing for me, as I assume it was for many other book bloggers, is I got my first NetGalley book today.  One of the few publishers who did not refuse me due to my reach.  I've made it to page 20 of "The Black Isle" by Sandi Tan and am already in love with the way she writes.  I can't imagine it'll be anything less then fantastic.  I've also purchased at least 11 books while out and about at the thrift store.  It'll take forever to ever read what I have along with new member giveaways and galley's I figure worse come to worse I'll save them for when I retire and can spend every waking hour reading and doing nothing else, except maybe blogging about said books.  By that time they'll be classics.

Monday, May 21, 2012

"Smoke Screen" by Sandra Brown

Smoke Screen
Author:  Sandra Brown
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Published:  August 12, 2008
Format: Audio Book; (read by: Victor Slezak)
Source: Library

TV reporter Britt Shelley wakes up unsure of what's happened.  The last thing she remembers is she was meeting Charleston PD detective Jay Burgess at a local bar, except now she's naked and Jay is lying next to her, dead.

A horrific fire in the police station 5 years earlier made Jay Burgess and 3 other notable city figures heroes, as only seven lives were lost due to there quick actions.  It was a fire that launched careers except Raley.  Firefighter Raley Gannon, arson investigator for the case, was found next to Suzie Monroe, apparent drug addict, much the same was as Britt wakes up next to Jay.

Raley and Britt team up, as more similarities pop up between their cases, to clear both there names.  But the closer to the truth the get, the more someone wants them out of the picture.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of Brown's books so far; and this one did not disappoint.  What I thought was going to be a common plot had so many twists and turns I stopped trying to guess who the bad guy(s) were.  There are so many great characters in this book and everyone for me was well developed.  The story line alone is enough to make me recommend it, but the surprises Brown has for us, makes me love it.  If you love trying to figure out who did it, I highly recommend this book, because you will most likely be wrong (more than once.)

This was an audio book version read by Victor Slezak, as most of hers seem to be.  I would describe his time of voice as being Wilford Brimley-esque but in a good way.  As well Slezak quite capably gives each character their own voice.

***Have you read any Sandra Brown novels? If so what was your favorite?***

Friday, May 18, 2012

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

I know I wasn't supposed to be posting I'm supposed to be reading but started trolling book blogs.  I came across the Book Blogger Hop which I had seen before but as yet had not participated in.  It gives other bloggers a chance to find you and you them; as well as readers looking for new book blogs.

This weeks question: How many books do you own? This can include books in your to-be-read (TBR) pile(s) and books you have already read that are on your keeper shelf. 

A lot that is the most articulate answer I can give you to this question.  I have loved reading since I was a little girl and my mom and remember my mom always telling me I'd need more light or I'd end up needing glasses (only one in the immediate family who has never needed glasses let me just say).  I had a tall 5 row bookshelf in my last apartment stacks in front of stacks.  The books got boxed up and about 5 smaller boxes got sent to the attic so the only ones out are ones to be read, of which there are probably 20+.  That doesn't count the ones in my mom's attic.  I know there is at least one box of "The Babysitter's Club" books, some "Nancy Drew", and all of the Laura Ingalls books.  I have at least one plastic tote of mine and my brothers children's books to pass down when my two girls stop destroying theirs (crimes of passion but book murders none-the-less in my opinion).  Not nearly as much as our wonderful host I'm sure but enough to start a flea market stall with.  Most girls dreamed of weddings.  I dreamt I had a floor to ceiling Victorian era library.

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

“The Brave” By Nicholas Evans

Description from Amazon:
“Book Description
Publication Date: October 12, 2010
There's little love in eight-year-old Tom Bedford's life. His parents are old and remote and the boarding school they've sent him to bristles with bullies and sadistic staff. The only comfort he gets is from his fantasy world of Cowboys and Indians. But when his sister Diane, a rising star of stage and screen, falls in love with one of his idols, the suave TV cowboy Ray Montane, Tom's life is transformed. They move to Hollywood and all his dreams seem to have come true. Soon, however, the sinister side of Tinseltown casts its shadow and a shocking act of violence changes their lives forever.
What happened all those years ago remains a secret that corrodes Tom's life and wrecks his marriage. Only when his estranged son, a US Marine, is charged with murder do the events resurface, forcing him to confront his demons. As he struggles to save his son's life, he will learn the true meaning of bravery.
Powerfully written and intensely moving, The Brave traces the legacy of violence behind the myth of the American West and explores our quest for love and identity, the fallibility of heroes and the devastating effects of family secrets.”
I didn’t try to personally summarize this book.  I did in the first chapter however, start to misjudge it.  It was an audio book pick for me and in the second chapter I said to myself I know where this is going.  And I was right, about where it was going, but wrong about the book itself.  It carries a present and past story switching in between the chapters, but is not confusing to what was happing.  The only criticism I have is the last two women characters we meet do not have have the same depth as the rest.  Whether that’s due to us not knowing them as long or more as pieces to tie people together, to give a main character a happy ending, or my completely incorrect personal opinion.  But that is just a small piece of criticism for a book that went above and beyond my expectations.  As the description says it is, by far, “powerfully written and intensely moving.” 
***Nicholas Evans is also the author of, “The Horse Whisperer”
Now I know today is only Thursday, and the three day weekend [Memorial Day] is actually the weekend after (good time to read “The Brave”), I’m taking a blog vacation.  I know my dear followers [more correctly Mom] you may be sadly disappointed but if I keep posting so often I'll never get time to read the books that are piling up.  See you Monday!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

“Thank You God for Blessing Me” by Max Lucado, Illustrated By Frank Endersby

Max Lucado has been a favorite of mine since I first read “The Gift” many years ago.  From there I purchased the Max Lucado study bible and many more of his books.  From there I suppose it would be a natural course to move into children’s books.  I could not find very much information on the exact beginning of the “Hermie & Friends” series but I believe the first book was published in 2oo2 when I had yet to have kids.  I managed to pick up a “Flo” [Hermie & Friends line] VHS movie somewhere in life and that was the extend of my exposure to Hermie.

“Hermie, a common caterpillar” is the first book Lucado wrote and the website describes the book as;
Hermie and his friend Wormie have always felt common. They don’t have stripes or dots, they aren’t very strong, and they can’t find anything special about themselves. But every time they pray, God tells them that He loves them all the time just as they are and that He isn’t finished with them yet. When Hermie becomes a beautiful butterfly, he realizes just how special God’s plan is for him!  
This is the basis of the Hermie character, naturally leading to Little Hermie a baby caterpillar for the two to five age range. 

“Thank You God for Blessing Me” is a children’s board book. It is written in lyrical rhythmic lines telling a story that teaches toddlers, ages two to five, about thanking God for all He has given us as well as to doing the best they can to be kind and obey.

There is a clear message in this prayer and easy to comprehend for this age group. The illustrations are colorful and Little Hermie, though a plain caterpillar, his eyes seem to sparkle. It’s soft, sweet illustrations really catch your child’s eye.  I being the mother to a 3 and 4 year old had the perfect test demographic. And I was asked no less than three times, “Can we read it again?” and “Just one more time?”

Hermie was re-launched in August 2011, along with Lucado’s other Little Hermie board book “Thank You God for Loving Me” both listed online for $6.99.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

“Dating Dead Men” by Harley Jane Kozak

In my audio book journey this was another “interesting cover, might be good” library shelf pick. 

Jane greeting card store manager is hoping to become a proud franchise owner.  She’s even gone so far as to a social study by a famous talk show host to help supplement the purchase of her storefront.  In involves dating 40 guys who must first be screened and then compared to a qualification list set forth by herself and friends.  And if that wasn’t enough her schizophrenic brother is leaving voicemail messages about corpses.  Her concern for her brother throws her into a fight to stay alive, complete all her dates in time, and impress the secret shoppers that will be the deciding factor on whether or not she’ll be offered a “Wilkommen” store, and finally be out from under the corporations tedious scrutiny. 

I would not say it was a slow start but I didn’t actually start to really enjoy this book until about half way through.  Many of the characters make you laugh and sometimes pull a heart string or two.  It makes you want to cheer them on.  It’s a plot filled with twists and turns and the unexpected.  It’s part romance, mystery, and humor all rolled into one.

Monday, May 14, 2012


eFiction’s website describes itself as not a literary journal but a magazine containing only the best short stories.  Every other month is a themed issue though the other six months are open.  You can not simply describe eFiction magazine as a magazine of short stories though because each issue almost always contains serial fiction, poetry, and book reviews along with it’s short stories. 

Before the loss of computer I had received a free review copy of eFiction (Issue September 2011) through a LibraryThing member giveaway.  That gem has been sitting in my inbox ever since.  I just finished reading it, cover to cover, and you’ll surely be reading about more up to date issues in the future.

The Semptember 2011 issue included the following:

Serial Fiction
The Dead Beat by Ericka Linquist & Aron Christensen
The Bike Mechanic by Aaron M. Wilson
Blood Binds by Tonya R. Moore
Short Stories
Motivator by Kristy F. Gillespie
Without Form or Substance by Phyllis A. Duncan
Kimberly Anne by Steven Terrill
Gypsies by Richard Sutton
Blind Date by Mary O’Neil
Divine Providence by Robert Turner
Youth and Vitality by Lillie A. Lindsay
My Life Song by Lisa Vandiver
Memory by Michael Abolafia
Book Reviews
Helper12 by Jack Blaine reviewed by Essie Holton
Break Room Anthology: Mystery and Horror Stories by M.T. O’Neil reviewed by Essie Holton
Night Machines by Kia Heavey reviewed by Essie Holton

“The Dead Beat” is a paranormal serial about two cops that seem to be chasing after ghosts who have “possessed” living hosts.  Though I didn’t really get all the who, what, where, when, and why’s, it was very well written and makes me want to read the next chapter. 

“Without Form or Substance” was probably my favorite of the short stories.  It made me Google the author and hope for a novel link version of her story.  Though sadly as with many short stories, that’s the whole reason they’re called short.

“Youth and Vitality” actually when right over my head the first time I read it, though when I realized what it was about I was quite impressed.  As  well, “Memory” with first reading I loved, but at the same time it reminded me of the “dictionary” poems I wrote when I was younger.  Dictionary poems consisted of picking out five to ten big words and then using them in a poem.   I do, however, love Abolafia’s style, and descriptions.  And here is a good place to mention I also loved his bio. From what I understand of the submission guidelines, these are submitted by the author with their work, and I found Abolafia’s bio as entertaining as his poem. 

The book reviews in this issue are written by Essie Holton, (who makes me feel my inferiority in the reviewer category).  All are quite descriptive but without spoilers and Night Machines will be going on my ever growing to-read shelve.

Though I didn’t comment specifically on all the inclusions, I enjoyed every one of them.  As well, eFiction has an extensive website with stories, links to subscribe (all formats), and groups that will leave you trolling their website for hours, as opposed to say reviewing the magazine itself.  And if you didn’t get sucked into that time warp they also have a facebook page. 

On my so far as my yet undefined personal rating system, if it were a five star rating system I would give eFiction 5 stars (I’d give them 10 if it was a 10 star rating system, highest marks all around, and they [eFiction] are constantly improving and branching out).

Sunday, May 13, 2012

“Demon Rumm” by Sandra Brown

If you didn’t already know, one thing I do a lot of these days is listen to audio books.  At work it allows me, on some days, to finish or get halfway through a book while I’m at work.  And since we’re not really aloud to talk it helps to have some background noise. Last summer that’s how I got through most of the Evanovich series knowing which book I was looking for; as of late I’ve taken the more scientific approach of Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo.  That is how I found Sandra Brown.  I mentioned on Friday I had just finished “Rainwater” which I LOVED and so I went on the shelf search for more (let me just say I’m at the library more often then the gas pump); picking "Demon Rumm".  It was the third Brown novel I’d “read” (as they’ve all been audio books), and by far the most “harlequin romance type” yet.  I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.  The description on Amazon says,

From the Inside Flap
When Rylan North flashes Kirsten Rumm his heart-stopping smile, she knows she can't refuse him...even if letting the actor share her home for a week will force her to relive the last terrible days before her stunt pilot husband fell prey to his own daring acts. Rylan is the perfect choice to play "Demon" Rumm in the movie about his life: no one is more brash, bold, or demanding. But before Rylan immerses himself in Kirsten's world, he must exorcise the explosive secrets that haunt her dreams...and gamble she'll find the courage in his arms to risk loving again... --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
There seems to be more internal dialog from Rylan on his need to “get in her pants” then really digging for any secrets.  If Brown had put more “substance” into the story line and less “harlequin” I would have liked it much better; and the explosive secrets, though worked alright in the context of what they were, for the one, I wish she had gone a different route.
I did enjoy this book and look forward to her others (she is the author of sixty…wait for it…New York Times bestsellers).  Though I’m still thoroughly impressed with “Rainwater”; it was able to make me want to cry during the sad parts and smile in the happy ones. I think that is what I most judge a book by; when I’m finished and I want to know more- a sequel, something, anything, or if the authors written other books. [Note to Self: Create personal rating system.]  I may not put it at the top of the list but I also wouldn’t count it out either.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Paul Coelho

I want to spend some time today introducing you to a new favorite author, Paul Coelho. Paul Coelho was born on August 24, 1947. He is a Brazilian novelist and lyrist.

Paul Coelho is probably most famous for his book, “The Alchemist”. It has been translated into 71 different languages and sold more then 65 million copies. Coelho in total has published 30 books and sold over 100 million books in 150 countries. (from wikipedia)

I am reading “The Alchemist” currently; it was recommended by a dear friend that I would define as have interesting ideas on life. But most, well probably 99.9% of the time I have enjoyed his past recommendations, and without him I would never have found authors such as Franz Kafka or Jorge Luis Borges. He began telling me he was reading Brida, so I checked my local library and found myself in luck. Upon reading Coelho’s background it was actually fitting because, though “The Alchemist” was written first, it didn’t gain popularity till after the publication of “Brida”. “Brida” was one I was barely able to put down, and became, for me, a one day read, staying up into the wee hours to finish the story. “Brida” has many different ideas wrapped into one.  Though Brida tends to follow a “Wiccan” or at the very least “Pagan” path, Paul Coelho tends to wind a story together with many religious symbols from different religions and even science, allowing them all to coexist in beautiful harmony. For example, Brida uses Tarot cards in her journey but Coelho in his explanation of soul mates goes back to Adam and Eve. The description on Amazon says,
“Brida, a young Irish girl, has long been interested in various aspects of magic but is searching for something more. Her search leads her to people of great wisdom. She meets a wise man who dwells in a forest, who teaches her to trust in the goodness of the world, and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the music of the world. As Brida seeks her destiny, she struggles to find a balance between her relationships and her desire to become a witch.”
When I reread the description Brida’s desire to become a witch is in reality I suppose she was doing but I as I mentioned above would not define her journey as solely to become a witch; Coehlo took so many diverse ideas and brought them all together into a harmonious journey of finding oneself. Because really that’s all Brida is trying to do. The book does have what I would say a bit of choppiness to it, but you have to remember this is a translation from Coelho’s native Portuguese. I find in a story like this, that’s a fact easily ignored, and though for some the symbolism and lessons Brida are taught may be a bit much to wade through, I definitely recommend you skip rolling your pants up and instead you jump right in.
Though I’m only about halfway through “The Alchemist”, it guarantees to be just as wonderful.

Paul Coehlo's website can be found here where links to his facebook and twitter can be found as well.

Friday, May 11, 2012

It’s been awhile

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to post as my daughter spilled Sprite© on my last laptop, but luckily my parents decided it was time for an unnecessary upgrade, and we are back in business. I took a bit of a hiatus from reading for awhile but picked it back up a few weeks ago. By the time summer reading at the library comes back around I won’t have much to choose from. I haven’t yet set my goal for how many books I want to read but look forward to it. One of my new favorites is the series, though they stand alone, by Joanne Fluke. It’s a murder mystery cookbook so too speak. Hannah Swenson owns the local cookie store aptly named, “The Cookie Jar”, and much to her mother’s dismay she is constantly finding dead bodies. But in it all she continues to run her cookie business and shares her recipes as she goes. Every month a recipe can be found on Joanne Fluke’s web page as well as information about each of her books. For me personally it has many comparisons to Evanovich’s series though Hannah Swenson seems to be quite a bit more wholesome then Stephanie Plum. But I will continue to read both series. Joanne Fluke’s Hannah Swenson mysteries can be read alone but as with most others they tend to be much better read in order.
Another new favorite of mine is Sandra Brown. I just finished, “Rainwater” which is set in a bigoted 1930’s. It’s a heart-wrenching story with an ending I wasn’t at all expecting, but worked almost as well as the one I hoped for. Because as well all know fairytale endings are just that.