Monday, May 14, 2012


eFiction’s website describes itself as not a literary journal but a magazine containing only the best short stories.  Every other month is a themed issue though the other six months are open.  You can not simply describe eFiction magazine as a magazine of short stories though because each issue almost always contains serial fiction, poetry, and book reviews along with it’s short stories. 

Before the loss of computer I had received a free review copy of eFiction (Issue September 2011) through a LibraryThing member giveaway.  That gem has been sitting in my inbox ever since.  I just finished reading it, cover to cover, and you’ll surely be reading about more up to date issues in the future.

The Semptember 2011 issue included the following:

Serial Fiction
The Dead Beat by Ericka Linquist & Aron Christensen
The Bike Mechanic by Aaron M. Wilson
Blood Binds by Tonya R. Moore
Short Stories
Motivator by Kristy F. Gillespie
Without Form or Substance by Phyllis A. Duncan
Kimberly Anne by Steven Terrill
Gypsies by Richard Sutton
Blind Date by Mary O’Neil
Divine Providence by Robert Turner
Youth and Vitality by Lillie A. Lindsay
My Life Song by Lisa Vandiver
Memory by Michael Abolafia
Book Reviews
Helper12 by Jack Blaine reviewed by Essie Holton
Break Room Anthology: Mystery and Horror Stories by M.T. O’Neil reviewed by Essie Holton
Night Machines by Kia Heavey reviewed by Essie Holton

“The Dead Beat” is a paranormal serial about two cops that seem to be chasing after ghosts who have “possessed” living hosts.  Though I didn’t really get all the who, what, where, when, and why’s, it was very well written and makes me want to read the next chapter. 

“Without Form or Substance” was probably my favorite of the short stories.  It made me Google the author and hope for a novel link version of her story.  Though sadly as with many short stories, that’s the whole reason they’re called short.

“Youth and Vitality” actually when right over my head the first time I read it, though when I realized what it was about I was quite impressed.  As  well, “Memory” with first reading I loved, but at the same time it reminded me of the “dictionary” poems I wrote when I was younger.  Dictionary poems consisted of picking out five to ten big words and then using them in a poem.   I do, however, love Abolafia’s style, and descriptions.  And here is a good place to mention I also loved his bio. From what I understand of the submission guidelines, these are submitted by the author with their work, and I found Abolafia’s bio as entertaining as his poem. 

The book reviews in this issue are written by Essie Holton, (who makes me feel my inferiority in the reviewer category).  All are quite descriptive but without spoilers and Night Machines will be going on my ever growing to-read shelve.

Though I didn’t comment specifically on all the inclusions, I enjoyed every one of them.  As well, eFiction has an extensive website with stories, links to subscribe (all formats), and groups that will leave you trolling their website for hours, as opposed to say reviewing the magazine itself.  And if you didn’t get sucked into that time warp they also have a facebook page. 

On my so far as my yet undefined personal rating system, if it were a five star rating system I would give eFiction 5 stars (I’d give them 10 if it was a 10 star rating system, highest marks all around, and they [eFiction] are constantly improving and branching out).

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm the author of Night Machines and I really appreciate the shout out. Please contact me and I'll be happy to send you a complimentary copy of the book in the format of your choice. Visit and you can email me through the "contact" form. Thanks!
